Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Quaker Wisdom for Today

"The art of living must be studied, as must every art. It calls for imagination, so that every advance, every change, is not merely a difference, but a creative act. Achievement, at any level above the lowest, calls for courage to hold on, in spite of current moods, and for exacting self-discipline. The art of Christian living calls for the same self-preparation; but its reward is not merely aesthetic satisfactions. The soul, hungry for God, is fed. Life itself takes on new meaning. Thus it is that we break from the confines of the prisons we have built about ourselves. Thus it is we are brought into the freedom of the Kingdom of God which, every day, through the wide world, is being realised in the hearts of men."

--Horace B Pointing, 1946


Paul said...

So true, the soul needs to be fed !!

Lisa Gonzales-Barnes said...

Love the quote. Particularly, "The art of living must be studied, as must every art." Right now, that statement resonates with me.