New from Bill Stone Enterprises! It's the "Old Quaker Whoopee Cushion," the fun product made with Friends in mind. Slip an "Old Quaker Whoopee Cushion" under the bench pad at Meeting and watch the Friends quake. When a weighty Friend plops his backside down, out comes the sound of silence. Imagine the look on the gathered Meeting's faces!!
The "Old Quaker Whoopee Cushion" is perfect for unprogrammed and programmed Friends alike. It's one size fits all shape works on benches, pews, pulpit furniture, choir chairs, and more.
It comes in grey or gray.
And it's only $19.95 plus postage and handling.
BUT WAIT. Order in the next 20 minutes and we'll throw in another "Old Quaker Whoopee Cushion" at no extra cost. AND THAT'S NOT ALL! The first twenty callers will receive a copy of "Walk Cheerfully: The George Fox Jokebook."
Just call 1-666-QUAKER. Operators are standing by.
Brent, thee is a very bad Friend indeed!
- Gretta Stone, newly appointed Clerk of Unnecessary Eldering
If I purchase it and find that I am getting noises out of it, I will take a trades description complaint against you!
- Helen Gibbs, she who complains loudly
Brent, why didn't you bring these along to WYM? I'm sure they would have sold like . . . hummmmm . . . oh yes, applebutter!
Luanne, LOL at the Mooresville Public Library . . . WHOOPS!
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