CHAPTER I. Boyhood -- A Seeker: 1624-1648
When I came towards nineteen years of age, being upon business at a fair, one of my cousins, whose name was Bradford, having another professor with him, came and asked me to drink part of a jug of beer with them. I, being thirsty, went in with them, for I loved any who had a sense of good, or that sought after the Lord.
When we had drunk a glass apiece, they began to drink healths, and called for more drink, agreeing together that he that would not drink should pay all. I was grieved that any who made profession of religion should offer to do so. They grieved me very much, having never had such a thing put to me before by any sort of people.
Wherefore I rose up, and, putting my hand in my pocket, took out a groat, and laid it upon the table before them, saying, "If it be so, I will leave you."
Looking upon the Society of Friends now as I write these words, I wonder if I shouldst not have stayed with Bradford and hadst a few more beers. Barkeep, another round… -- George Fox: An Unauthorized Autobiography
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