In national news, of course, is all the hubbub and humbug around the health care bill. On and on and on and on and on. The Republicans say this; the Democrats say that. Both vilify the other.
Arriving at work I heard news from my co-workers -- about visits to the doctor, movies that were watched, and plans for the day. Then during the day, I heard all sorts of news about a new purchasing plan we are thinking about, the safe arrival of a new camera at one of our offices, letters that needed signed, a new way to ... Well, it's sort of boring to list, but was important stuff at work.
I also received email and telephone calls giving me news -- a friend's new project with liturgical arts, the possible good change in another friend's job, a new picture of me being posted on Facebook, and so on. Some of the news was good; some was sad; some was tragic.
Of course, I liked hearing the good news much more than I did hearing the bad news -- especially the bad news involving my friends. But all the news I heard today in some way connected me with the wider communities of which I am a part -- my friends, my co-workers, my city, my country, my world. Some of the stories moved me to pray -- prayers of gratitude and prayers of supplication. And praying is something I always need to do more of.
As I thought of all the news that had come my way today, I was reminded of the best news -- the Gospel. "That God so loved..." And ultimately, that's the news I most needed to be reminded of today. That God loves -- not just me, but my friends, my co-workers, and all the people that populate this big blue marble. And that is good news, indeed.
-- Brent
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