Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meetinghouse Photos: Meetingroom Bench & Hat, Pennsylvania


Pegfolly said...

nice picture...

I think I need to look at more of your writing, not just what you're reading... but am barely having time to read anything lately. Am in "scan mode" so as to keep up barely at least with what IS being written even if I can't find the time or attention span to actually read it.

I would love to sometime be more appropriately "posted" myself: artwork, photography, writings...
I'm enjoying being hooked up with you on Facebook and Goodreads. Are you friends with Chuck Fager at Quaker House in North Carolina? Recommended...

Brent Bill said...

Thanks, Peg! Yes, I do know Chuck -- probably for about 30 years now. ;-) Quakers of a certain age and all that...