Which brings me to the second part of George Fox's quote -- "but [I also saw] an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. In that also I saw the infinite love of God..."
This is a time to stand for this "infinite love of God" and remember Jesus' beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." (Matthew 9:5). How can we bring peace -- to countries, to cities, to troubled young men and women? We need to be active in the cause of peace -- mourning without diminishment those students and faculty whose lives were tragically and unjustly cut short, but also praying for those whose desperation would cause them to commit such acts. Let us stand with people of faith and goodwill while praying and working actively for peace in the world and our own relationships.
It is time to remember that the God of all creation sustains our souls in the depths of tragedies and calls us his children as we work to bring peace -- that God is the source of an "infinite ocean of light and love" which will overcome the ocean of darkness.
And then I heard on CNN that some students on campus were talking about gun control on campus. No, not what you and I would think - they believed that had all the other students been carrying guns that day, they could have prevented this mass killing.
More guns, not less. More violence, not less.
More guns and more money for the Iraq war would solve the problems, not less. More guns and more ammo will reduce urban violence, not less.
It's a type of insanity. And so so much blood gets shed in this worship of violence.
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