The wide road might be called the way of unconsciousness and the narrow road the way of consciousness.
The wide road is the road of the crowd. Jesus describes the people on it as not seeing and not hearing."
Journey Inward, Journey Outward by Elizabeth O'Connor
Happy New Year, friends!
I like to think of a new year as a fresh start. This year, I hope that you and I can live with renewed spiritual intention as we seek God and the life he has for us. One of the ways I am learning to attend to God more fully is through focusing on one particular sense and allowing it to help me become present and aware of God. Many of you have participated in the last two experiments--30 Days of Tasting and 30 Days of Seeing--all apart of the workshop and potential book, The Art of Faith: Awakening Your Senses to the Wonder of God.
Beginning Monday, January 4th, my friend and co-author, Beth Booram and I will begin 30 Days of Touching. We'd love for you to join us and begin your new year with an intention to become more sensitive to God's presence and leading in your life.
Here's how to participate:
- Beginning Monday, January 4th, copy and paste a note in your calendar for 30 days that reminds you to "pay attention to touching!"
- Invite your spouse/friends/small group/house church to participate with you.
- Each day, intentionally notice how different things feel to your touch. (The moment you isolate your sense of touch, you begin to live in the present moment, the only place where you can experience God.)
- As you become present, seek to experience God in the thing you are touching. ( How is God speaking to you through the rough bark of a tree, the cold wind on your face, the smooth skin of a baby's cheek, the soft fur of your dog's coat?)
- Reflect on and write about your experience. (You can join Beth and me by commenting about your experiences on either of our blogs or by commenting on our Art of Faith group on Facebook. Your encounters will add depth and color to everyone's experiences!)
May 2010 be a year that you take "the narrow road" and become more conscious of God by tasting, seeing, touching, hearing and smelling the One who is Life within life!
-- Brent
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